Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Spiritual Development

Programme of RE lessons delivered where opportunities are explored to understand the different beliefs and values of others.  This programme provides opportunities to visit different places of worship from a range of religions/faiths.

Link established with local church to develop a common understanding of how faith and religion contribute to heritage. This is supported by a programme of assemblies lead by faith leaders from across the district.

Series of residential trips delivered i.e. High Adventure that allow opportunities to work alongside children from different backgrounds.

Homework projects develop children’s skills to learn about the world around them.


Moral Development


A school-wide focus on sustainability issues and try to develop a global understanding of right and wrong when tackling various moral and ethical issues.

Strong ethos of community celebration that promotes a learning culture that is recognised by all children and families throughout the school.

An elected School Council is in place to tackle and voice opinions on key issues through school e.g. Eco-Committee, development of school vision and school logo.


Social Development


A school-wide focus on outdoor learning and an understanding of sustainability.

Engaged in a series of Sports Events/Festivals to develop children’s ability to participate fairly in large groups, as well as developing an early interest in sport and leisure.

Development of school houses develops a sense of collective pride and teamwork.


Cultural Development


Closely work in partnership with contrasting schools as part of the School Linking Network (SLN) to provide an understanding of belief and views of children from different communities and their perspectives on life.

School events e.g. Harvest Festival develops awareness of life around the world.